
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Peony Dreamtime
Out of Stock



Another great Seidl/Bremer introduction, Dreamtime has quickly become a personal favorite.

Dreamtime’s single blooms have salmon pink petals and a bright gold center. The flowers are held almost 4’ high on very strong stems.

Because of its height, early bloom time and striking color combination, Dreamtime adds much-needed color and excellent presence to the mid-spring garden.

Dreamtime is also a reliable, vigorous grower.that, in our fields, has proven to be exceptionally resilient in the face of changing weather patterns.

In 2023, when we had a 25F hard frost 2-3 weeks later than we’d ever experienced, Dreamtime bloomed with no frost damage to the buds (while some other, later blooming cultivars lost all blooms). Because of this, we’re moving some of our Dreamtime roots into cut flower production.

As if all Dremtime’s other selling points were not enough, Dreamtims is easily fertile, should you want to use this cultivar in your own breeding program.

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All bare-root peonies ship Sept-Oct. 

Variety Details
Peony Type: Herbaceous
Originator:  Seidl/Bremer
Flower Color: salmon pink petals with a bright gold center.
Flower Form: Single (but with so many petals that I’ve also seen it categorized as a semi-double)
Bloom Timing: APS lists this as a “Mid” bloomer but for us it’s been early to early-mid
Eyes: 3-5
rotable Attributes: More recent introduction, Cut flower, Landscaper, Fertile

Growth Requirements
Hardiness: Zones 2-8
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained (very important)

For planting instructions please see our Planting and Care Guide