Fall Catalog Launching Thurs, Sept 29 At 11 AM EST

For the first time, we’re releasing a Fall Bare-Root Peony Catalog.

The Catalog will go live on Thurs, Sept 29 at 11 AM. The catalog will initially be open to email list members only.

A Fall Catalog isn’t something we planned to do. But - as we expand our farm to include Cut Flowers - we also need to reorient our fields to facilitate cut flower production.

Consequently, we’ve decided to harvest three peony fields originally targeted for 2023.

The good news? These fields largely contain our rarer varieties - most of which are Herbaceous Hybrids.

Since many of you have been shopping with us for several years now, and since this Fall Sale will differ somewhat from our usual Summer Catalog, I’ve pulled together the below to help you navigate the Fall Sale.

Details include but aren’t limited to:

  • The varieties we hope to include (varieties to be offered still evolving. as varieties are confirmed we’re announcing them on our social media)

  • Catalog timing and notification

  • Access to Private Shopping

Hopefully this post answers your questions. If not, just put your question in the comments below or email me - info@lyndakerfarms.com

Happy Fall to all of you!

Which Peony Varieties will be offered?

Because our dig is ongoing, we don’t yet have a complete variety list.

As individual varieties are confirmed, we’re posting the names and details on Instagram and Facebook.

The grid below contains the varieties we’ve already confirmed. Stay tuned as we continue to add varieties to this list!

Variety Pictures and Descriptions

Since we didn’t expect to sell many of these varieties this year, we didn’t fully photograph them during the bloom season.

This means some listings in our catalog may have few - or even no - pictures.

Where that is the case, the listing will include the link to the American Peony Society (APS) registry - the gold standard for all Peony variety information.

Similarly, because we are literally creating this catalog while the dig is ongoing, the descriptions in the Fall Catalog might be briefer than usual. Again, we will reference the APS registry listing as needed.

Catalog timing

The Catalog will go live on Thursday, September 29 at 11 AM EST.

Email list members will be emailed a link to the catalog. Email list members will also receive a reminder email Thursday morning.

Ship Dates

We will start packing and shipping orders no later than 10/3 (and even earlier if we can!).

Orders will be fulfilled in the order we receive them.

PRivate Shopping

From 9/29 - 10/2. email list members will have exclusive access to the Fall Catalog.

On 10/3. the Catalog will be opened up to the public.

If you’re on our email list, you’ve already received a link that will grant you immediate access to the Catalog once it is posted.

If you’re not yet on our list you can request to join here.

Root Quantity

Because we are harvesting these fields a year earlier than planned, we don’t expect to have many roots per variety.

To manage expectations, this does mean our most popular varieties may sell out quickly.

I know it’s disappointing when you can’t get the roots you hope for. I’ve read all your emails and even talked to some of you on the phone!

Rest assured, we’re growing them as fast as we can. We very much appreciate your patience in this process.

Root Size

Though the plants in our current dig are somewhat smaller than our normal harvest size, we aim to provide the same size roots we always have.

Those who’ve been shopping with us know we promise 3-5 eyes but try to deliver 7 eyes or more whenever we can.

We have the same size goals for this catalog, however, we may not be able to achieve the 7 eye size in all cases.

Here are pics of actual roots being offered in the Fall Catalog.

As you can see, they are standard industry size but - in some cases - may be a touch smaller than roots you’ve received from us in previous orders.

Best of luck as you shop!